Team Agreements - Definition, Elements, and Types

Team Agreements - Definition, Elements, and Types

There is nothing like a clear, well-defined agreement in business that propels a team toward success. While often overlooked, team agreements serve as the backbone of effective teamwork. They are the invisible glue that binds diverse individuals into a cohesive unit, each member working with a shared understanding of their collective goals and individual responsibilities.

Read on to discover the transformative power of team agreements and explore why team agreements are essential in fostering productivity, harmony, and success within any team.

What Are Team Agreements?

Team agreements, also known as team charters or team contracts, are collectively decided principles that outline a team's expectations, objectives, and responsibilities. They serve as a roadmap, guiding each member toward shared goals while establishing clear communication protocols, decision-making processes, and conflict-resolution strategies.

These agreements are not one-size-fits-all; they are tailored to each team's unique needs and dynamics. Team agreements provide a foundation for effective collaboration and mutual respect among team members by creating a shared understanding of how the team and team culture operates.

How to Create a Team Working Agreement?

Creating an effective team agreement involves open communication, mutual understanding, and a clear outline of expectations. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

Elements of Team Agreements

Team agreements are the backbone of successful teamwork and consist of several key elements, including clarity in expectations, mutual respect, open communication, accountability, commitment to team values and goals, flexibility, conflict resolution mechanisms, decision-making processes, confidentiality, and continuous improvement.

Types of Team Agreements

Team agreements can take various forms depending on the team's structure and working methodology. Three common types of team agreements are remote team agreements, hybrid work agreements, and agile team agreements.

Remote Team Working Agreement

A remote team agreement addresses the unique challenges of working remotely. It might include guidelines for virtual meetings, communication channels, time zone considerations, and remote work tools. For example, a rule might state, "All team members should respond to messages within 24 hours during the workweek." Therefore, finding a work-life balance is vital to fulfill all your tasks.

Hybrid Work Agreement

Hybrid work agreements cover teams that operate both remotely and in person. They may specify when team members are expected to be in the office versus working from home, how to handle meetings with a mix of remote and in-person participants, and how to maintain open communication across different working environments.

Agile Team Agreement

Agile team agreements are used by teams following agile methodologies. These agreements often include the team's definition of "done," sprint timelines, stand-up meeting protocols, and processes for backlog grooming. They emphasize flexibility, continuous improvement, and cross-functional collaboration, aligning with agile development principles.

What Are the Main Benefits of a Working Agreement?

A working agreement is a valuable tool that provides numerous benefits for teams and organizations, such as clear roles and responsibilities, shared vision and objectives, trust and collaboration, regular check-ins and feedback, improved communication, alignment with organizational values, defined metrics for success, adherence to deadlines, adaptability to change, and inclusivity and diversity.

Challenges with Working Agreements

While working agreements hold numerous benefits, they also come with their fair share of challenges. It's important to recognize these potential obstacles in order to address them effectively. The most common include resistance to change and adaptation, difficulty in enforcing agreements, violations, and breaches, misalignment with individual goals, the potential for misinterpretation or ambiguity, and overly rigid or restrictive agreements.

Referencing Team Agreements in Project Management Software

Project management software like ActiveCollab can be an excellent tool for referencing and managing team agreements. It provides a centralized space where all team members can access, review, and adhere to the agreement.

Here's an example of how you might use ActiveCollab to reference your team agreement:

Agreements vs Expectations

Agreements are mutually decided upon rules or guidelines within a team or organization, often formally documented. Expectations, on the other hand, are unspoken assumptions about behavior or outcomes that may not be explicitly communicated but are nonetheless anticipated by individuals or teams.