15 Alternative Ways to Say “As per Our Conversation” at Work

Exploring Best Alternatives for “As per Our Conversation”

Sometimes at work, you might want to refer back to a conversation you’ve had with a colleague. Instead of using the phrase “as per our conversation,” it can be helpful to have some alternatives:

  1. According to our discussion:
    You mentioned that the report should include more data, according to our discussion.
  2. Based on our talk:
    We decided to change the meeting time based on our talk.
  3. Following up on our chat:
    I wanted to follow up on our chat and confirm the new deadline.
  4. Per our conversation:
    Per our conversation, I’ve updated the presentation as you suggested.
  5. As we talked about:
    I’ve included the budget information, as we talked about.
  6. As mentioned earlier:
    The meeting agenda now includes your feedback, as mentioned earlier.
  7. In line with our previous discussion:
    I updated the project plan in line with our previous discussion.
  8. Reflecting on our communication:
    Reflecting on our communication, I’ve implemented the changes you recommended.
  9. Taking into account our exchange:
    I made the necessary adjustments to the proposal, taking into account our exchange.
  10. As discussed:
    As discussed, I’ve forwarded your feedback to the team.
  11. In accordance with our chat:
    In accordance with our chat, the deadline will now be on Friday.
  12. Pursuant to our talk:
    I made the revisions to the document, pursuant to our talk.
  13. Considering our conversation:
    I added the new data points, considering our conversation.
  14. Following our dialogue:
    Following our dialogue, I’ve scheduled a follow-up meeting.
  15. As we agreed:
    As we agreed, I have delegated the task to another team member.

These alternatives can bring variation to your communication and help you come across as more friendly and approachable.

When Giving Assignments

Instead of saying “As per our conversation,” when assigning tasks, you can use alternative phrases. For example:

When Soliciting Feedback

When you’re asking for feedback after discussing a topic with a colleague, you can opt for phrases like:

When Clarifying Instructions

To ensure everyone understands their responsibilities, you may need to clarify instructions. Use these alternatives:

When Referring To Past Conversations

Sometimes, you may need to remind others of a past conversation. You can say:

Replacing “As per Our Conversation” in Emails

Sometimes, you may find yourself needing to refer back to a previous conversation in a follow-up email. Instead of using the classic phrase “as per our conversation,” try some of these alternative phrases to keep your emails fresh and engaging:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some alternatives to ‘as per our phone call’?

You can try using one of these alternatives:

How can I rephrase ‘as per our discussion’ in the meeting?

Consider the following options to rephrase this phrase:

  1. In line with our meeting discussion…
  2. As we agreed upon during the meeting…
  3. Building on the points from our meeting…
  4. Pursuant to the discussion we had in the meeting…
  5. With reference to the meeting conversation…

What are some friendly ways to say ‘as per our conversation’?

Here are some informal yet friendly alternatives:

How to refer to a recent conversation at work differently?

You can use these expressions to address a recent conversation:

  1. Per our recent discussion…
  2. In light of our latest conversation…
  3. Stemming from our previous talk…
  4. Given our recent exchange of thoughts…
  5. As mentioned during our last conversation…